Have a Fireplace? Reduce the Risk of Accidental Fire

If you have a home with a fireplace, chances are you appreciate the warmth and charm it adds to your living environment. At the same time, you may have concerns about your fireplace causing an accidental fire. A home insurance policy from George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group, Inc., in Bourbonnais, IL, will protect you against injuries or damage from fire. The following fireplace safety tips can help prevent accidental fireplace-induced fires from occurring on your property.   

1. Have your fireplace and chimney inspected and cleaned by professionals every year before using. A professional inspection will ensure your fireplace is up to par for the winter season.

2. Keep your fireplace clean at all times by removing ashes, vacuuming debris and washing fireplace floor and walls on a regular basis. Clearing flammable materials from your fireplace reduces the risk of accidental fires.  

3. Use only seasoned firewood in your fireplace to avoid creosote buildup on your chimney that could accidentally catch on fire.

4. Avoid using liquid accelerates such as gasoline to start a fire as accidental spills could result in your house catching on fire.

5. Don’t leave children or pets alone with a fire or leave your fire unattended for any length of time as it could lead to accidental fire.

6. Use a fire screen as protection against sparks or embers escaping from the fireplace and catching surrounding furnishings on fire. A fire screen will also keep kids and pets at a safe distance from the fire.

7. Extinguish your fire completely before retiring for the night.  

8. Make sure your home has working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to warn you of a house fire.

These fire safety tips combined with adequate insurance coverage from George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group, Inc., will keep your Bourbonnais, IL, home safe from the dangers of fire.


3 things you need to fix for fall on your home’s exterior

The advent of cooler weather means it’s time for Bourbonnais, IL homeowners to get started on a list of outdoor chores. While it can be tempting to just skip these jobs, at George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group Inc we’ve seen how these relatively simple outdoor tasks can save our clients a lot of money on future home repairs.

  1. Start with your yard.  As soon as cooler weather arrives, trim back the tree branches that look like they could fall and damage your home or cars. For large branches, consider hiring a tree service rather than risk doing it yourself. Once this is done, mow the grass a final time and rake up leaves that will blanket and smother the grass over the coming months. 
  2. Put away the summer stuff. Take a few minutes to store your summer toys and patio furniture. Make sure these items are clean and dry before placing them in a garage or basement. Once winter storms begin, you’ll be glad that these items aren’t blowing around your yard and potentially damaging your home.
  3. Inspect and clean your roof.  Leaves, dirt, and other debris on a roof can mix with rainwater and snow and decompose fairly rapidly.  This releases acids that will eat through your roof shingles. Clearing this stuff off of your roof can prevent high repair bills arriving in the spring.  While you’re up there, clean out your gutters and get them ready for winter snow melt.

If you’re looking to save even more money, call the agents at George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group Inc.  They have years of experience helping Bourbonnais, IL homeowners find policies that fit their budget.

Finding the right home insurance in Bourbonnais, IL

Located just south of the city of Chicago is the quiet community of Bourbonnais, Illinois, which is best known for being the summer training camp home of the Chicago Bears football team. Due to the fact that it’s outside the city but close enough to commute, it is ideal for those who want to have big homes and not spend an outrageous amount on them and also raise families in a quiet community. So if you do own a home in Bourbonnais, IL, you will want a specific type of home insurance to protect yourself from unforeseen issues, so you don’t end up paying a lot of money out of pocket.


Every home owner needs fire insurance of some kind, as a fire is always possible everywhere. While Bourbonnais isn’t prone to massive forest fires or anything of that nature, you will undoubtedly want the house protected from any total loss or partial loss due to a fire that could break out inside the home itself.


While tornados don’t cruise up towards Chicago very often, it is important to keep in mind that Bourbonnais is in the Midwest, which is technically part of the infamous tornado alley. So storms do bring strong winds that sometimes turn into tornados and when that once in a century storm does strike and rolls through your Bourbonnais neighborhood, you will want to make sure your home is protected.


While Bourbonnais is incredibly safe and far enough away from Chicago that the chances of anything happening is quite slim, the truth is thieves and criminals can strike just about anywhere. So having insurance that protects your belongings inside your home is important, to insure that someone who chooses your place to break into doesn’t cost you a lot more in the future.

RV Modifications and Coverage

In the world of vehicle insurance, coverage policies typically assume that a policyholder’s vehicle is a standard issue design and construction from the manufacturer. This tends to make generating insurance polices far easier since manufacturing information can be preloaded into an insurer’s calculations for risk, and the only variable is then the risk and behavior of the driver. However, when a vehicle is modified, that changes the nature of the risk formula and introduces new variables not previously calculated. As a result, an insurer needs to use a policy that acknowledge the changes from original equipment manufacturing design to what the vehicle is now. RVs are no exception to this situation.

It is the responsibility of the RV owner to make sure the insurer is aware that the given RV has been modified and how. Otherwise, the insurer could very well deny a claim for damage outright when the changes are found after the fact during an accident review. Notice is not a bad thing; it gives the insurer a chance to look at the modification and determine what, if anything, changes in the coverage mix. In many cases, very little change occurs at all because most modifications tend to be cosmetic and don’t affect the operating road performance of the RV. However, the review also ensures such changes are captured and specified in the insurance policy drafted so there’s no mistake as to what is covered when it’s time to file a claim.

For RV owners in Illinois and the Bourbonnais, IL region, George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group Inc has been working for years with RV owners of all types. They’ve seen and handled both default manufactured RVs and custom jobs. Their staff can easily answer most questions regarding how modifications are covered as well as how a coverage policy will work. Give them a call to find out more information.

How Can A Broker Help In Finding The Right Commercial Insurance?

When you have a business in Bourbonnais, IL, you want to make sure that you have the right commercial insurance policy. This includes making sure that there is sufficient coverage and that you are paying an affordable premium. Instead of doing everything on your own, you can work with a broker.

Finding the Right Coverage

The last thing you want to do is have an issue and find that you don’t have coverage for it. This would require you to spend the money out of your business account – something that you probably don’t want to do. Coverage can vary from business to business. For example, you may have a fleet of vehicles, a significant amount of business inventory, and much more.

An insurance broker is going to help you find the coverage that you need. Explanations will be given so that you can understand more about the coverage and why you would potentially need it.

Finding the Right Premium

You are likely trying to contribute as much to the bottom line as possible. This means that you need to take into consideration how much you pay on insurance premiums. There is no reason to spend any more than what is absolutely necessary. An insurance broker can get quotes from multiple insurance companies that write policies in Illinois. This is going to save you a lot of time. The broker can then help you to make comparisons so that you can explore the cost of the policy versus the amount of coverage.

You will be able to rely on experience and knowledge of the industry by working with a broker so that you can be confident that the right policy is written for your business.

Find out more by contacting one of our insurance brokers at the George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group Inc today.


How Is Motorcycle Insurance Different From Auto Insurance?

If you are in the market for motorcycle insurance for the first time, you may wonder what the difference is between standard auto insurance and motorcycle insurance. While there are some general coverage options to protect your vehicle, as a rider of motorcycles you receive other coverage based on the greater exposure to outside elements. At George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group Inc, we want to make sure you are properly protected whenever riding your motorcycle around Bourbonnais, IL or anywhere else you might desire. 

Guest Passenger Liability Insurance

When looking at motorcycle insurance, you will find a bodily liability insurance coverage offering. As injuries are more likely to occur while riding a motorcycle, this is an important form of motorcycle insurance. However, one option that is available for motorcycles and really isn’t an option for auto insurance is the guest passenger liability insurance. This protects passengers who may ride with you, including sitting behind you on a two-person bike or in a side car. 

Lower Cost

Motorcycle insurance costs less than regular auto insurance. It really doesn’t matter on the overall value of your bike (unless it is a complete custom job, built from the ground up) as maintenance on a motorcycle is less. Your rate of causing accidents is lower than an auto driver, which reduces the cost and replacing a motorcycle is typically less expensive than what it costs for a vehicle. Plus, the add-on options, such as roadside assistance is going to be less because it is easier to tow a motorcycle into town for repairs than a vehicle (a regular 4×4 truck can assist so fewer specialty vehicles are needed). All of this points to a few different insurance coverage options and an overall lower price tag. 

How to Decide If You Need Flood Insurance in Bourbonnais

If you have a standard home insurance policy, then you may already know it won’t cover floods. Living in Illinois though, you can’t ignore the risk of floods and the damage they can do to your home. Before you decide it’s not for you, consider these points before opting out of coverage. 

Floods Can Happen Anywhere 

Even in dry area, floods can be a danger to homeowners everywhere. With the weather patterns such as they are, it’s definitely not going to get any easier to predict which way the figurative tide is going either. In high-risk areas, the lender will go so far as to require the insurance based on their liability. That’s often necessary, since close to half of Americans believe their home will be covered if it sustains flood damage. 

 Protecting What’s Yours 

Your home doesn’t just come together the moment you move in. It’s sometimes decades worth of accumulation of memories and love. Even a small amount of water damage can destroy what you have in practically no time at all. While some objects will never be replaceable, flood insurance takes some of the stress off you during a difficult time. It’s the different between starting to put everything back together again, and feeling like you’ve lost everything to one bad storm. 

Finding the Right Policy 

Do you want to cover your home structure or your structure plus your belongings? Do you want to have some type of coverage on the land as well? Rates will depend on the value and use of your property, and your specific questions are best answered by a good insurance company. George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group Inc serves Bourbonnais, IL, and can be just what you need to pick out a customized policy that works for you. Call today for a quote!

Reliable Packing Tips from George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group, Inc

Owning a home gives you a sense of solidity and well-being and any homeowner wants to do their best to ensure the safety of their house and surrounding property. George Ryan Jr. Insurance Group, Inc provides residents of Illinois with auto, home, commercial, health, life, renters, landlord, condo and flood insurance.  They are there to provide for all of your insurance needs.

As an insurance company who cares, George Ryan also offers solid packing tips for people who are packing unused items or relocating. Here are several good tips below.

1. Get boxes from food stores

Why should you pay for boxes when you can get them from your local food store? Many food stores just throw away cardboard boxes after the items have been packed on the shelves. Just ask the shelf managers or store manager for the discarded boxes before they toss them. They will be glad to have someone dispose of the boxes for them.

2. Do it yourself

No one likes to get rid of or store unused items. If you ask any family member if they want this stowed away or that put up, chances are you will get a firm no; then you will be stuck with a pile of unused stuff cluttering up the house. Take the initiative and do the project yourself. Logically thinking, no one is going to give you a hand with it anyway.

3. Label your boxes

Packing is one thing; remembering where the items came from in the first place after you have sealed the boxes is another. Get some duct tape and paper to label which box came from where and also where it should be stored. You will save yourself a big headache when it is all done.